The Power of Inclusive Play
All children deserve the right to play. And furthermore, to play in a space that meets their needs and allows them to experience a feeling of safety to express themselves and grow.
Rock Climbing is Therapeutic?
You’re darn right it is! How do I know? Because I am a rock climber. I have been actively climbing rocks and rock-like features since 1999. I consider myself a lifetime beneficiary of the therapeutic properties of rock climbing. Through the sport of rock-climbing, I have developed self-confidence, mindfulness, resilience, and an ability to conquer many of my fears on the wall and off. All of which are tools that I use daily, to ensure a lifetime of positive growth, stability, and intrapersonal success.
Understanding Your Child's Behavior
Caregivers often come to us because they are struggling with their kiddos’ “bad” behaviors. This is an area many caregivers struggle with and certainly need help during those trying moments.
Exercise and ADHD
Exercise is good for everyone. In a world racked with uncertainty, this statement holds truer than most. Exercise looks different for everyone; you could be training for a marathon, or training to walk a 5k. You could play a few holes of golf on the weekend, or you could be doing a mile run followed by 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 200 squats, followed by another mile run. But no matter what and how much you are doing, you will very likely benefit from it.
OCD & Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are common mental health conditions that often manifest in childhood and adolescence. While it can be alarming to see your child struggle with anxiety, it's important to know that anxiety disorders can be well-managed with the right treatment and allow your child to live a full life. This guide is meant to be informative, answer common questions about anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, and provide resources for parents and families.
Using Play to Strengthen the Child-Caregiver Relationship
Playing with your child provides an opportunity to connect emotionally and co-regulate your nervous systems. However, many adults don’t know how to play. Some of us didn’t learn when we were little because our parents didn’t play with us, or sometimes we grow up and forget what it’s like to be a child. We know how daunting of a task playing with your child can be when you have no experience and no idea where to start, so today we’ll go over some starting points.
Mindfulness for Caregivers
In the hectic world we live in, we often find that we have to remind ourselves to take a breather, and finding time to do so can be challenging. We know that it can be overwhelming to be a caregiver because it might feel like you’re constantly wanting to take a break, but never being able to find the time for now. So how can you take on our daily challenges without feeling quite as overwhelmed? You can integrate mindfulness into your life.
Bids for Connection
We all need connection. In fact, Maslow states that love and belonging is a need that must be met in the hierarchy of needs for an individual to reach self-actualization. Throughout the day we are presented with opportunities to connect with friends and loved ones, but we often miss the signs.
Emotional Development Milestones
As a caregiver, you pay close attention to your child’s developmental milestones. You have frequent check-ins with their pediatrician to make sure they’re growing. You get excited when they take their first step. You might be worried if they’re not saying as many words as you think they should be by a certain age. But what about their emotional development milestones?
Limit Setting
It’s the morning before school, you're getting ready for work, your first grader is watching a tv show, you’ve told them at least 27 times to put their shoes on, you're ready to walk out the door… and somehow the shoes are still not on. Sound familiar? Situations like these are something that child therapists hear about regularly. We see it happen in our waiting room and in our play rooms. Luckily, some pretty great counselors have developed ways to handle these situations so that everyone involved can feel calmer. It’s called Limit Setting. I’ll walk you through how it works, why it works, and how to use it at home!
Connecting With Your Teen
Adolescence is a period of time that consists of rapid brain growth, identity formation, emphasis on peer comparison, and exploration. Without a doubt, adolescence can be a tricky time to navigate on the parents’ end. Wondering how to communicate with your teen? Wondering why your teen spends the majority of their time alone? These are very common questions received from parents of teens because, let’s face it, this developmental period is not easy for anyone. Especially your teen.
Regulating Nervous Systems in Your Family
“Human beings are not born with self-control. We have to learn what to do with the mad that we feel. Learning to control ourselves is a long, hard process. It happens little by little. In fact, it is something we work on all through our lives.” - Mr Rogers
Children do not enter this world with bad intentions. Children offer us information, and if we’re courageous enough to listen to the information, we can attune to their inner experiences. We can perceive their behavior as communication, not as manipulation. Children, like all human beings, feel more cooperative when they are treated with respect and kindness. As adults, we do not respond well to people who speak to us harshly or treat us with disrespect - but this can sometimes be our default reaction when faced with our children’s big feelings.