Back-to-School Time

August means back-to-school season for many of us! Shopping for school supplies, new clothes, new shoes, and backpacks can all feel very exciting, and this season may also be filled with lots of complicated, challenging emotions. While parents may be excited for a return to more structure, routine, and possibly even the occasional peace and quiet, many kiddos (and maybe parents too) can experience a very different response.

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Understanding Attachment

You may have come across the terms “attachment style” or “attachment theory” at some point in your child’s, or even your own, therapy journey. However, you may not have a thorough understanding about what attachment actually means. Attachment theory was first developed in the mid-1940s by psychologist and psychiatrist John Bowlby and was later expanded upon with research conducted by psychologist Mary Ainsworth. A simple definition of attachment is “an emotional bond with another person.” (Buescher, 2022) Simply put, “attachment style” refers to the different ways in which we connect and develop emotional bonds with other human beings. Since attachment can be a focal point of the therapeutic process, I want to dive into this topic a little deeper.

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Support for Caregivers with a Child in Crisis

For parents with children experiencing suicidal ideation, non-suicidal self-injury, or any other mental health crisis, it can often feel like your world has been turned upside down. Every child is different, so, therefore, every crisis will be different. My hope is this blog will provide some helpful feedback to help parents keep putting one foot in front of the other in the event their child experiences a mental health crisis.

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