When a Donut Goes to Therapy by Erin Winters (Copy)
Appropriate Age Range: 5-11 years
What this book is all about:
Uniquely Wired shares the story of Zak, who is autistic. He tells the reader about the way his brain works and the gifts he has to share with others.
Why you might want to read it:
This book gives children and caregivers developmentally appropriate language to explain the unique way in which neurodivergent brains view the world.
3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:
One of the gifts Zak has learned about is that fair doesn't mean equal. What does that mean to you?
Sometimes it's easier for Zak to smell things than to look at them and he doesn't like a lot of loud noise. Which of your senses do you like to use the most?
What do you and Zak have in common?