And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson

Appropriate Age Range: 2-5 years

What this book is all about:

Based on true events, this book tells the story of two boy penguins at the Central Park Zoo who become a couple. When their zookeeper notices them preparing their nest for an egg, he gives them an egg that needs to be cared for.

Why you might want to read it:

And Tango Makes Three shares representation of a same-sex couple through a happy animal family with two dads.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. The children at the zoo cheered to show their support for the penguin family. Discuss how your family can show support for LGBTQ+ families.

  2. How do you think Roy and Silo felt when their rock didn't hatch like the eggs the other penguins had?

  3. The zookeeper helped the penguin couple when they wanted a chick. How do you know when someone might need help?


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