The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss
Appropriate Age Range: 5-9 years
What this book is all about:
In Dr. Seuss's The Sneetches, the plain-bellied sneetches want to be like the star-bellied sneetches and the star-bellied sneetches want to be "better" and different than the others. In an attempt to be alike and different from one another, the sneetches waste their money and time until they learn to overcome their differences.
Why you might want to read it:
The Sneetches shares a message that can be heard across every age as it helps the reader see the silliness of judging other people by their appearance rather than their character and encourages people to treat others with fairness.
5 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:
How do you think the plain-bellied sneetches felt at the beginning of the story when the star-bellied sneetches wouldn't let them join them?
Have you ever felt left out? How did that make you feel?
Have you ever wanted to be like someone else? Why?
At the end of the story the sneetches decided that one kind of sneetch is not better than another. Do you think differences can be a good thing?
What's something you feel is different about you than your friends? What do you like about that trait?