Papa, Daddy, & Riley by Seamus Kirst

Appropriate Age Range: 3-8 years

What this book is all about:

Riley has two fathers and when a classmate of hers ask her which one is her real father Riley is confused and fearful she has to choose one. Riley discovers that families are made of love and there are a variety of ways to be a part of a family.

Why you might want to read it:

Families everywhere, alike and different, can appreciate the book's encouragement and acknowledgement that love is what ties a family together.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. How do you think Riley felt when a classmate said she had to pick who her real father was?

  2. Riley has some similarities to her Papa and some to her Daddy. What are some similarities and differences you have in your family?

  3. How do you think Riley felt at the end of the story? How does it make you feel when you know you are loved?


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