Hey Warrior by Karen Young

Appropriate Age Range: 5-12 years

What this book is all about:

Hey Warrior utilizes fun pictures and personification to explain how the amygdala can impact your body and get stuck in an anxiety cycle. Through this creative, yet informative tale, the readers learn more about anxiety while also being encouraged through practical ways of how to take control of this internal warrior.

Why you might want to read it:

Hey Warrior provides both children and adolescents with knowledge regarding anxiety including what it feels like and why it happens; and with understanding comes empowerment.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Hey Warrior shared some ways anxiety might feel but its different for everyone. Can you describe your anxiety? Help your child through facilitating discussion or art to help them identify and describe their anxiety. Remember this can be difficult to articulate so often examples and art can help them gain that connect.

  2. The story shared several things someone might do when they are anxious, what is something you have done when you have anxiety?

  3. You can become the boss of your brain & manage your anxiety in several ways. What is something you want to tell your anxiety?


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