Emily’s Blue Period by Cathleen Daly

Appropriate Age Range: 5-7 years

What this book is all about:

Emily is learning about Pablo Picasso in school, and his abstact, mixed-up paintings. His style of art and blue period seem to reflect Emily's life as she is learning to navigate her dad not living at home anymore and her world changing. As she continues to learn about Picasso's various styles of art she gains further undertanding of what a home can be.

Why you might want to read it:

Emily's Blue Period is a powerful and great read for any children going through family change and navigating the confusing feelings of going between two homes.

3 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Emily understood Picasso's blue period because she too was in her blue period. Why was Emily having a blue period?

  2. Have you been in a blue period or are you in one right now? Art helped Emily; what helped you get through your period?

  3. Emily made a heart collage of all the things that's important to her? What would you include in your heart collage? Let's make one together.


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