Confessions of a Former Bully by Trudy Ludwig

Appropriate Age Range: 8-10 years

What this book is all about:

Katie has to meet with the school counselor after getting in trouble for teasing another student. Although she wasn't happy at first, Katie learns how bullying has hurt others and herself.

Why you might want to read it:

Being told from the bully rather than the bullied, this book provides a unique perspective on the all-too-relatable topic of bullying and shares effective tools for navigating relational aggression while providing tons of information on the topic.

5 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Which quick fact did you find the most surprising? Least?

  2. Come up with your own 'think about it' statement.

  3. Why do you think it felt good when Kate said "Thanks for noticing my freckles," when he called her a name?

  4. Have you tried any of the Empower Tools? Which one works best for you?

  5. Which of your friends have the qualities on the "good friend" versus "bad friends" chart? Which friends do you enjoy hanging out with most?


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