Accident! by Andrea Tsurumi

Appropriate Age Range: 3-8 years

What this book is all about:

Lola spills juice all over a chair and believes she has ruined everything. She decides to run away to the library. On her way, she passes lots of chaos, disasters, and spills. When she arrives at the library she makes an even bigger mess. Luckily a bird comes along and tells her one simple word -- accident. Then the bird helps her and others make it better. Lola realizes it was an accident and that it is okay to make mistakes.

Why you might want to read it:

The book has detailed illustrations of accidents that happen to other animals as Lola makes her way to the library. Kids will enjoy looking at the silly illustrations and laughing about the accidents. There are many accidents to discover in the book, which can facilitate a great conversation.

4 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. How do you think Lola felt when the bird told her that spilling the juice was an accident? 

  2. Look back at the pictures in the book, is there an accident that you can relate to? What happened?

  3. How do you treat yourself when you make a mistake?

  4. How do you think mistakes help us?


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