A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue by Julia Cook
Appropriate Age Range: 4-8 years
What this book is all about:
This book tells the story of Josh, who tattles so much that he ends up pushing many of his friends away. Josh's mother warns him about getting the "tattle tongue" & Josh is later visited by the "Tattle Prince" who helps him learn 4 important rules for deciding when to report/tell an adult and when its tattling.
Why you might want to read it:
This is a great book for teaching children the important difference between tattling and reporting.
4 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:
Have you ever felt like Josh in that you felt that you needed to tattle on your friends?
When's a time you tattled and how could you have been a problem solver instead?
When is a time you have had to decide between tattling and reporting?
Which of the tattle rules is the hardest one for you to follow?