I'm New Here by Anne Sibley O'Brien

Appropriate Age Range: 5-8 years

What this book is all about:

I'm New Here provides a brief introduction to three students who are immigrants, highlighting their feelings regarding being new and their journey to feeling more confident and comfortable in their new school.

Why you might want to read it:

I'm New Here provides a simple, straightforward picture of the difficulty of transitioning and leaving one's previous home behind without losing a sense of their home country, language, and identity.

4 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. How do Jin and Fatimah feel about being in their new class?

  2. When's a time you were new? How did it feel being new? What worries did you have?

  3. Have you ever felt different before? Share about your experiences and feelings of being different.

  4. How have you been welcomed or what is one way you can make someone else feel welcome?


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