When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt by Molly Bang

Appropriate Age Range: 4-8 years

What this book is all about:

Sophie was really proud of the tree painting she had made for a class assignment until other children make fun of her painting. When Sophie's Feelings are Really, Really Hurt shares about the universal experience of feeling misunderstood and how her classmates all learn to appreciate each other's differences.

Why you might want to read it:

When Sophie's Feelings are Really, Really Hurt provides a relatable book for children and adults alike as it depicts how it feels when our feelings get hurt and highlights the importance of respecting each others differences.

4 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. When Sophie got her feelings hurt, her face got hot and she began to cry. She said she did not want to be there. When your feelings are hurt, how does your body feel?

  2. When Sophie was given an opportunity to share about her tree, her voice got stronger and she felt better. Why do you think she felt more confident?

  3. Sophie's classmates did not understand her painting and were quick to tell her she was 'wrong' until she explained about her favorite tree. Have you ever been quick to judge or feel judged by someone else. How did that make you feel?

  4. What helps you feel better when you're feelings get hurt?


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