When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos

Appropriate Age Range: 4-8 years

What this book is all about:

When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends highlights that children are not at fault for their parent's divorce and reassures its readers through the relatable story of a little girl who's parents are going through divorce. The girl shares how the dynamics within her family have changed and shares her feelings before, during, and after the divorce.

Why you might want to read it:

When My Parents Forgot How to Be Friends provides a simple and reassuring explanation of why divorce happens while encouraging its readers to explore their feelings and openly share about their worries, concerns, and questions.

3 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. How did you feel when your family changed?

  2. Even though the girl's parents reassured her that it wasn't her fault that they forgot how to be friends, the girl still felt worried. What worries do you have?

  3. Some of the changes the girl experienced made her feel happier. What ways have you experienced that?


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