Please Explain Anxiety to Me by Laurie Zelinger and Jordan Zelinger

Appropriate Age Range: 5-8 years

What this book is all about:

Please Explain Anxiety to Me provides an explanation of the biology behind anxiety to its readers through sharing a story of dinosuars to help break down the brain and body connection, give relatable examples, and provide strategies, .

Why you might want to read it:

Please Explain Anxiety to Me helps translate the psychology behind anxiety into common and everyday language that children can understand and helps to provide understanding to not only what anxiety is but the 'why' of what is happening through the brain and body connection, developmentally appropriate examples, and strategies to help navigate these challenging feelings.

5 Questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. What do you notice happens to your body when the switch turns on?

  2. When are times anxiety has helped you?

  3. What messages can you tell your brain?

  4. Which rhyme is the most helpful to you? The hardest for you to do?


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