A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret Holmes

Appropriate Age Range: 4-8 years

What this book is all about:

Sherman, the main character, saw a terrible thing happen and attempted to forget it. Throughout the story Sherman found that while trying to forget this thing he started experiencing various emotional and physical difficulties such as stomach aches and becoming angry. Then one day Sherman met Ms. Maple who helped him talk about the terrible thing and begin to feel better.

Why you might want to read it:

This book provides a gentle tale for children who have witnessed any type of violent or traumatic episode and helps depict how various helpers can be of support for them. The end of this book also provides caregivers resources and helpful suggestions.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. After the terrible thing happened, Sherman felt a mix of emotions. Have you experienced this before? Tell me about it.

  2. Sherman also sometimes felt these feelings in his body such as having stomachaches. Where do you feel emotions in your body?

  3. I wonder what/who you use to make you feel safe or give you comfort? How do you feel after talking about your feelings?


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